Fear of Being Seen: Part II

Acknowledging the Fear

You’ve recognized that you have a tendency to fear being seen. That’s a great first step. Now, we can start working on releasing this fear and shifting your life toward the version you want to be.

Building Awareness

The next step is to become aware of when the fear is blocking you. Notice the patterns: What is happening, and what are you afraid of? Developing this awareness will help you understand how the fear affects your life.

Cultivating Self-Compassion

Recognize that this fear has been a protection mechanism for your inner child and has served you for many years. It’s time to let it go with kindness and compassion. Treat yourself with the love and understanding that you needed as a child.

Steps to Overcome Fear

  1. Acknowledge the Fear: Accept that you have a fear of being seen.
  2. Build Awareness: Understand when and how this fear arises and how it drives your actions.
  3. Act with Courage: Make small changes with a bit more courage. Gradually, you will become more comfortable with these changes.
  4. Practice Self-Compassion: When you recognize the fear, acknowledge it lovingly without pushing it away. Act slightly differently with awareness and self-compassion. Reward yourself with positive affirmations for each step you take. Be the loving, encouraging voice you needed as a child.
  5. Transform Behavior: As you practice these new behaviors, they will start to feel natural. The new way of being will become more automatic, and you will feel more like yourself.

Taking It Step by Step

Start by focusing on one specific area where the fear of being seen affects you. For example, if you hold back from sharing ideas at work, concentrate on that aspect first. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to address everything at once. As you become more aware in one area, it will help you address the fear in other aspects of your life.

Moving Forward

I encourage you to reflect on what happens as you take these steps. Remember, you have the courage to make these changes. Blessings and support are with you on this journey.

In love, light, and empowerment,


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